Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Version of Chicken Quesadilla

Ingredients:  cooked white rice, chicken breast, shredded mozzarella cheese, red onions, tomato sauce, tortilla skin


1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and marinated in soy sauce, salt and sugar for a few hours
2. Stir fried the chicken after it's  marinated
3. On a piece of tortilla skin, put in appropriate amount of cooked chicken, cooked rice, red onion pieces, tomato sauces and mozzarella cheese
4. Fold the tortilla skin  in half to cover all the ingredients
5. In a hot pan, put in the quesadilla
6. Cooked for about 30 seconds on each side or until the skin the appropriately crisp/brown
7. Ready to serve

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